Marketing Portfolio
Thank you for being a MJ Kellner Customer! As a way to help make your food service establishment as successful as possible, we offer a number of marketing services and materials such as menu design and print, signage design and print, and more. Take a look through our Marketing Portfolio below to see how we can assist you!
Customer Menu Design Examples
At MJ Kellner, we offer restaurant menu design for our customers. We can print menus in-house, in sizes 8.5" x 11" or 8.5" x 14". Paper options include standard white, cardstock white, or specialty paper (depending on the stock available to us). There is also the option to send menus out to print at a professional printer, whose paper size and weight would be determined on a project-by-project basis. Menus can be laminated or not, depending on how the menus are to be used, whether in sleeves or as single sheets.
Below are a few examples of our menu design work:
To-Go and Interactive Kid's Menus
We also offer our customers the options of having their menus printed in a to-go format, as well as single-sheet kid's menus with interactive activities and family games. These items would be branded to match a customer's current menu. To-go menus are offered in either bi-fold, tri-fold, or single-sided templates, depending on the amount of items within the menu. Unless otherwise requested, to-go menus and kid's menus are printed in black and white to save on cost of materials.
See an example of each below:
Contact-less Menus

Due to the rising need for a contact-less dining experience, MJ Kellner has begun offering QR Code menu links for our customers.
How it works:
- We create your menu (or use what you already have) and host a PDF of it online
- We create and link this PDF to a unique QR code via an online QR Code generator
- We design a personalized QR Code Server Card with your unique code, branding, and instructions on how to use the code
- These Server Cards are then printed in the quantity of your choosing and laminated for easy sanitation
- Your servers can present these cards to your customers, taking the time to explain how they work, and allowing the customers to scan the codes using their smart phones
- Your menu is then brought up on your customer's smart phone, without having to ever touch a physical menu
Customer Signage Design Examples
We can also create table and wall signage that advertises customer specials or announcements. For table placement, we offer a 4" x 5" double-sided table tent, a 4" x 8" triple-sided table tent, and laminated table cards (up to 8.5" x 14", but are generally 4" x 6" or 5" x 7"). We can also design, print, and laminate flyers in either 8.5" x 11" or 8.5" x 14" for customers to hang on their doors, windows, or walls as needed.
See an example of each below:
4" x 5" Double Sided Table Tent
4" x 8" Triple Sided Table Tent
8.5" x 11" Flyer Design
Customer Logo Design Examples
Some customers are just starting their business and need a strong logo that they're proud to share, and other customers are looking for a fresh take on their existing brand. Whichever it is for you, we can help! We know that a quality logo strengthens a business' presence both online and in the minds of its customers. In other words, a good logo is *almost* as important as the taste and quality of the food you serve.